Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Army daze... - 10:52 PM
A few things brought me to remember about army. Yes, to many guys, thats quite a dreaded word. To many gals, they never will understand why its a dread to us. When we ask them to go try, they would say, you try giving birth to a baby. Well, what can we say? We can give birth, neither we can escape army unless there's something wrong with us. Bottom line: guys, we dun have a choice.So lets get on with it, in fact I kinda appreciate army. Not that I love it and would volunteer for it, I kinda had a mentality of, since theres no choice, might as well live with it. And so thats the start of it, army start to change my life. I became more mature in some ways, and childish in some ways. In army I used to jump on the bed, a few daes back I jump on the chair while singing KTV.
I became to accept things for the way they are, even if something bad fall on me. I try to shake it off, if can't I just suck thumb and do it. Thats life in army, thats life in office. Both places, they call these things "sai kang" aka shitty jobs or arrows. Depends on how you end up with the job.
In army I learn to be smart and quick witted when asked questions and given short time to answer. This saved me more push ups. Now in office, I think quick on the feet, to save me troubles on my eyes and on my legs. Of course sometimes you have to act stupid or blur, that way you live better and safer. The wise saying goes" Act blur, take cover, nver be a voluteer!"
Oh and never assume, especially in office. Alway back yourself up with emails, documents and facts. In army, they say "assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups." Pardon my language. After all, if you think, then I thought, then who confirm?
Thats why I never delete any of my mails. Thus they call me a dustbin. Poor me. AHaha.
So army is full of shit, work is full of shit. Always look on the bright side of life. Always try to find light out of a pile of shit. Shi Xing, endure for 2 weeks? Your freedom will be back after that!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Fun tiring weekend! - 3:27 PM
It been a pretty busy and wonderful weekend. Since Friday night, I managed to meet up with Angie and ShiXing for dinner at Marina. It was quite a different experience at MOF(Ministry of Food), though the portion comes pretty small. Poor Angie, she seem so tired. Well since ShiXing was driving, we decide to head down to Holland V to have 2 hours of fun at settler's cafe. HAha on our way there, we decide to pick up Celine and it was pretty funny. The traffic was quite packed and we half know our way there. We had quite a funny trip on the way picking her up and we did contemplate for her to take a cab down there instead. In the end all went well and Angie became alive playing the jungle sprirt I think. Thanks guys, for making me laugh so heartily again. It was a great night, though in the end I was too tired on the return trip back. But luckily ShiXing drove us home. He's the man!
Well came Saturday and it was supposely to be Citigroup family day. But it rained so heavily in the noon at my side that I waited till evening to go down Sentosa. By the time I reached, half the activities were gone. But I still manage to grab a few goodie bags, a few dinner sets and catch the small parade of fireworks. Later my family decide to catch the musical fountain performance. Its the same one I watched 3 times, but the first for my family. I must say despite watching 3 times, it kinda still have some entertainment value in it, not bad at all.
Today is Sunday, and my dear was so sweet to buy me a ORIGINAL Final Fantasy 12 game. Haha I had never bear to buy a oringal PS2 game, so it was really sweet for her to buy it for me. And for any FF game, its definately worth keeping one orignal game. Thanks dear, and happy 3rd year aniversary!
Well later in the evening I am meeting Sharrel and folks. Haha I dunoe who is going to be there, but I hope everyone will be there. Would be another nice gathering of old friends.
***edited on 20Nov***
Well it end up really well with 12 of us turning up. Its quite surprising to see so many of us again, and this weekend has really been meaningful. In the end we sang KTV till late at night and I reached home at 1 plus despite taking a cab. Arrgg stupid MRT lady who told me there's still a last train. Well, thats life.
Now very tired and sian to do work. Bleh. Shall take leave this thurs and Fridae.
Wow, time really flies, and having worked for one year, meeting old friends are really nice. Especially my NBS friends which I never seen for quite some time. All of us are kinda busy I guess. Haha found a photo of us when we were still 'young'. It was take about one year plus ago, but things changed so much. Things change, places change, people change, but I hope friendship never change. Take care guys!

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Weird weekend... - 9:58 AM
Wierd weekend. Friday I was going home on the train, tired, so I felt alseep ont he train. So shit, the lady beside me had to wake me up when the train reach City Hall and asked if I wana get down, then she herself went off. Who or when did I tell her I am dropping off at City Hall? Its not even Boon Lay or Pasir Ris. When I overslept once at Pasir Ris, noboay woke me up till the train driver came and woke me up and I was totally embarassed. So it seems, some Singaporeans are overly helpful, some simply are not.Wanted to celebrate my mum's birthday yesterday. But alas, it was quite terrible. My mum wanted to do some shopping, so we decide going to Vivocity would be quite a good choice. On the way there, the traffic was jammed, the carpark was packed, the mall was crowded. We cant find a single place to eat, and after 2 and half hours, we were still hungry and no food in sight. We had to give up, so we went off to a nearby Chinese Restaurant to eat. The food was nice though, but way too steep. At that time, it seems we would almost use anything to buy food. But I guess mum was still happy, for father bought her flowers for the first time! For him to walk into the florist, it took a lot of courage, especially at his age I guess. Haha. For once, he did right.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Have I been naughty this year? - 1:41 PM
It seems there are a few conclusions I came about regarding the mental age test thing. That women seem to have a larger mental/actual age gap then men(putting my life at risk by making this statement) Not that I say they are older, I mean to say its quite true as there's a saying that women are more mature than men.It is to say, men never grows up. Also it seems that most, or rather all the people I know who tried the test, are older than their actual age. This means 2 things, work killed us, or the test is fake. Which is true? You decide.Its the time of the year again, where Christmas is about 50 days away and we have to evaluate ourselves if we have been good all your round. I was told to rate myself from 1 to 5, 5 being the worst. I tried to gave myself a few 2s, but on the day of submission, I made it all 3s. One day later, I realize I might be even getting 4s afterall. Looks like I am not getting a big 'present' this year, for Santa aint happy with my performance. Being so naughty, I wonder if its all worth it in the first place. Though even when the real 'present' should come around, its way past christmas, maybe nearer to Chinese New Year.
Maybe I should start changing Santas. Ho ho ho.