Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Skipping my lec... - 9:29 AM
Ah yes, I should be attending my lecture now, BF308. However this morning, I just couldn't instill much energy into me to propel myself out of bed. I toss and turn, deciding if I should skip my lec. This is in fact the first official lec I purposely skipped, hahah not talking bout the countless AB311 useless lecs that I will be skipping for the rest of the year. In fact I will be skipping my BF221 seminar tomorrow. Oh my god, sounds horrible as I type these out. Unlike Jian yong, I don't feel bad about it. (reading your entry mades me a little though) Why am I like this? This is my last sem and I got no motivation at all. Super holidae mood now. Man, this sem is particularly expensive. Every lecture I miss cost $82.60!!! No wonder the professors earn so much. How I wish I can be one too.
Ok! I will go to school now and read up on the lecture I miss just now! I will aspire to be the best student this sem! Haha how I wish all that I say will come true. I feel that my fingers are more likely to move than my whole body. At the thought of studying, my whole body feels weak, tired, and my eyes will get smaller and smaller. Haha regardless, I will pull myself out of my chair now and off the computer. I will go to school now. Thats the most I can promise myself. Whatever happens next, I can't say. Muahaahahahhaaa.
P/s: By the way, Liverpool lost to burnely! Oh my god, why is my team going the other direction?>