Monday, March 28, 2005
Giving up an career in education... - 10:44 PM
I just read my friend's blog, she in now being a temp teacher. I realize all her stories are very heartwarming, and made me feel that teaching can be a very rewarding career as well. Well 3 years ago when I chose to study business in NTU, I practically gave up the notion of being a teacher. I was brainwashed that being a teacher has no prospect, it gets boring in a few years and teachers by todae's standards are no easy task. I acknowledges these facts, but the satisfaction of helping your students pass their exams, solving their family problems and being well liked by them is much more than clinching a deal in financial terms. I really wanted to be a teacher then, always remembered the story of the starfish. "One young boy was running on the beach and he sees this old man throwing starfishes who were washed up to the shores back into the ocean. THe young boy asked why did he do that. THe old man replied, I am saving their lives, by not letting them dry up. THe young boy then ask again, but how many can you save? There are like thousands of starfishes washed up the shore. THe old man smiled and threw one more back into the ocean, at least it meant a lot to that last starfish."
NOw I used that story to motivate myself in a lot of things. Even certain things may seem small and insignificant, doing it may be paving a way towards future success. Although I gave up a career in education, I wish all the best for future teachers out there and thank you for doing the future a great deed!
Friday, March 25, 2005
What if... - 3:31 PM
A lot of things in this world are uncertain, some of which we wish they did not happen to us. We often ask "what if...." But a lot of things dun give us a second chance to know what if we chose another road instead of the road we took. Life is full of choices, life indeed is uncertain. But we shouldn't worry too much about making the right choices. For sometimes life just works out right for us. Its what they call "chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi" or "shun qi zi ran". Even if the grass might look greener on the other side, it might not be entirely so, maybe it just looks greener, and it isn't so...如 果
當 我 想 起 你 呵 护 的 記 憶
是 否 離 去 一 切 會 變 得 孤 寂
天 空 放 晴 你 的 影 子 離 我 好 遙 遠
好 运 的 距 離 分 隔 兩 地
时 常 想 起 你 微 笑 的 記 憶
當 你 離 去 我 的 世 界 變 孤 寂
下 起 了 雨 我 的 幸 福 留 在 你 心 裡
希 望 有 人 象 我 愛 你
如 果 不 用 说 再 见
伤 悲 会 不 会 少 一 点
如 果 不 用 睁 开 眼
能 否 在 梦 里 多 一 天
在 这 思 念 的 季 节
我 只能依 然 坚 强 面 对

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Pursuing your dreams seems to be the most important thing in one’s life. It gives you great satisfaction and nothing else seems to beat it. But sometimes it isn’t that easy to do that, as there are often obstacles in your way. Recently Jia Hui say she wants to go China for GIP for 6 months. I seem to be one of her major obstacle. I thought bout it for a while and I realize its best for her to go, to pursue something she wants. I admire and support her for her courage; I will always be behind her.On the other hand, I am at the cross road of choosing my career path. The first step is often important, most probably will dictate my final destination. I wana end up as a Private Banker or Investment Banker somedae, if possible that is. So I got to start as an analyst or a personal financial consultant and the way I see it, I stand a higher chance being a PFC. Afterall, it’s easier to pick up a sales skills than technical superiority. Thank you Yoke Chin for making me reignite my interest in sales job. It seems I am quite easily swayed by others opinions. Anyway, the only major drawback seems to be that sales job not that much satisfaction, not really my kind of dream. Well it’s now MONEY Vs DREAMS. What do we do? In reality, I guess sometimes we have to give up dreams, for the sake of money. Haha I guess the only way out is to make money your new dream, your new and only satisfaction in life. If not, you can always try to buy “satisfaction” in the form of presents or holidae packages. On the other hand, dreams cant bring you money. Dreams are only for sleeping, I guess…
Friday, March 18, 2005
Fun lesson... Love Doctor... - 3:10 PM
I had a pretty enjoyable lesson todae by Peter Tan. Its only his lesson that I dun wana miss coz I really want to learn something, something useful and practical you dun learn in textbook. His lessons also alway makes me laugh and I learn something about "plot ratio" which can help me earn $9 million provided I have $1 million and suitable opportunity. ALso learned interesting facts bout will writing, insurance and estate planning. One conclusion drawn from all these is live as a rich king, die as a poor man. Having a lot of money to distribute when one die can be pretty troublesome. I guess one could be looking down from heaven to see his family either fighting with themselves if your will is not written properly or see your family celebrating when you die. That would probably wana make one die once more. HAha.Another interesting thing is my good friend Angeline wrote something in her blog about friends being hotels. A lot of times great friendships are torn when one of them got attached. Less time is spent with each other and promises broke. YOu became one of her other friends in what she calls the B-list. When the other party broke up with your friend, he or she comes back to you crying. Your heart melts and you console this poor soul and after recovery, she's gone with the wind with another guy in her arms. Gosh when such situation happens, I hardly would allow her to ever come back to me if she broke up again, at most give her B-class treatment. I on the other hand used to commit these serious offence but I try very hard not to do so nowadaes. Friends and girlfriends are really of almost equal status. Haha but of coz sometimes my orientation gets a bit wrong wired. Needless to say I also have some of my good friends leaving me and putting me on their B-list just because they get attached. I have grown to learn and accepts these facts of life as time nowadaes perhaps just aint enough. With whatever remaining time, who wouldn't want to spend it with their love ones. SO sad that you dun fall into that categories anymore. I have friends that havent been talking to me for months and were good before. I really don't know how to treat them anymore. HAah now that I am on this topics, let me give one word of advice to all. There is not need to cling on to your boy/girlfriends everydae, dae and night. Doing so when only make them wana leave you more. Maybe I should be a love doctor one dae, I wish....
Monday, March 14, 2005
Brown Sheep I am.... - 9:52 AM
Ok I did a character analysis and its almost to acurate to be true. To a certain extend it does help me to point out certain flaws in me and help me greatly before I am going for my interview tomorrow. Of coz some are true and some are not, I think... well here is the website for those interested.
You are Brown Sheep type, who seem to be well composed and calm.
Your personality is also very gentle and never forgets consideration for others.
But you believe you are the best.
You are a proud person, and only to those that you have become real friends, would you show this side of your personality.
You have a will power and a smart mind to carry out a business from planning to sales to marketing all by yourself. You have a brilliant intuitive ability.
You can use this ability in personal relationships, and effectively induce the other person's psychology.
Even if the other person was insisting on black, you can easily lead him/her into choosing white. It is easy for you to persuade people.You ought to be in an environment where duty and obligation is thought highly of.
You are good at exercising power over someone who respects duty and obligation.
Because your point of observation is rather different from that of ordinary people, you can come up with extremely unique ideas.
Nevertheless you lack decision making and putting into action.
Also because you are an optimistic person, you tend to act as though you have already succeeded, even if you have not yet done so.
You may experience great failure, if you get carried away too much.
You must be very careful.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
REVAMP!! - 2:06 AM
Haha I skipped lecture this morning, suppose to do my FYP which is due tomorrow. But I end up surfing the net cause my computer was down and I had to find a solution to save it. As it went fine after a while (I dunoe why...), I went on to surf other websites. Then I realize theres a new tagboard available thanks to JianYong and so I changed mine since doodleboard isnt useable anymore. Then I realize my layout wasn't great and I changed mine to Juneberry's cause it has leaves on the header and it kinda ring to my mango theme. So after doing that I realize I suddenly know how to link my website to others and I went ahead to do that as well. Hahah so one thing lead to another and I have already spent about 1.5hrs doing all these stuff. When it comes to doing something you don't really like, I guess almost everything else besides that seems so enjoyable and easy to do. Something that I always put off is FYP. I started like last June and I am finally handing in my FYP tomorrow. I should have finished my work much earlier, if not for the 3 months break I took in between. So after so much procrastination, I am in the midst of rushing my FYP just like everyone else beside me. Feel much better and more efficient everytime I am in the heat of a rush. Still I take some time off to write my blog right now. Everyone needs a break.By the way, NTU alumni just called me and updated my particulars. I do feel kinda old nowadaes. Entering into all sorts of alumni and looking for jobs. Another thing is I realize theres no SM presentation for me. Was looking forward to presenting something since we screw up my last presentation for SM. Kinda miss those daes of presenting, wearing super nice clothes and feeling nervous. Was always complaining bout these presentations and yet now I actually miss it. I guess you don't miss something till its gone I guess.
And also I would like to dedicate a word of thanks to my good pal Joan who took time of doing me a great favour. It looks better now all thanks to you!
Haha this is getting to be quite a longer post than usual. Must be prolonging my time from diving into eternal sorrows with my FYP. But can't wait any longer. Time and tide waits for no man. Haha.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
3 important concepts of investments and Love - 10:20 AM
I realize I learn only 3 important concepts in my whole NTU financial studies. This should help all of you in your future investment or maybe can apply to love as well.Rule no. 1 states that “Buy low sell high”. Buying at a low price and selling at a high price always, if best arbitrage. You will never make a loss, and with respect to love, Hahah it means give little, take a lot and you will never be hurt.
Rule no. 2 is “There is no free lunch”. Nothing comes free in this world. When a deal seems too good to you, don’t jump straight into it! Evaluate the investment carefully, and of course when it comes to love, don’t jump straight into it just because you are infatuated with that guy! There comes a price for everything, every investment/ guy has a bad point.
Last rule is “Higher risk equal high probability of return” This means if you want higher returns, you need to take part in riskier investments. Same for love, if you want say prettier girlfriends, you stand a higher risk of it being snatch away.
So I guess financial subjects and love are basically the same. No wonder people say business course is easy to study. Hahaa.