Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Pursuing your dreams seems to be the most important thing in one’s life. It gives you great satisfaction and nothing else seems to beat it. But sometimes it isn’t that easy to do that, as there are often obstacles in your way. Recently Jia Hui say she wants to go China for GIP for 6 months. I seem to be one of her major obstacle. I thought bout it for a while and I realize its best for her to go, to pursue something she wants. I admire and support her for her courage; I will always be behind her.On the other hand, I am at the cross road of choosing my career path. The first step is often important, most probably will dictate my final destination. I wana end up as a Private Banker or Investment Banker somedae, if possible that is. So I got to start as an analyst or a personal financial consultant and the way I see it, I stand a higher chance being a PFC. Afterall, it’s easier to pick up a sales skills than technical superiority. Thank you Yoke Chin for making me reignite my interest in sales job. It seems I am quite easily swayed by others opinions. Anyway, the only major drawback seems to be that sales job not that much satisfaction, not really my kind of dream. Well it’s now MONEY Vs DREAMS. What do we do? In reality, I guess sometimes we have to give up dreams, for the sake of money. Haha I guess the only way out is to make money your new dream, your new and only satisfaction in life. If not, you can always try to buy “satisfaction” in the form of presents or holidae packages. On the other hand, dreams cant bring you money. Dreams are only for sleeping, I guess…