Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Life is like a pack of playing cards... - 11:23 PM
Haha its been a long time since i wrote here. Been iddling around, will not entirely. Been thinking alot lately, I am a thinker, a persons who think things. Thats a job isnt it?Life is like a pack of cards, the cards you get don't come in straights. You never know when the card you are holding is Ace or number 6 or 2. When you do know, you will not know what cards come after next. You also don't know what if the card you are getting may be the biggest, so fearing you might lose out to others, you decide to take another draw.
Earlier on looking for jobs, I was pretty lucky and I kept drawing 10s, Jacks or Queens. But I somehow got greedy or felt I could get better cards. At last I did drew the King and I banked on my hopes on it but lost the bet coz the other party held an Ace. From then on, my luck just aint there and I kept drawing 2s and 3s, worse of all, sometime i drew "skip a turn" and daes goes by without me able to draw a card.
Life is full of ups and downs. I also learn to take any opportunity that comes along, and as long its good enough, take it. Every number has its use, every number has its dae. For sometimes, the no. 2 can become the most powerful card in other games. HAha.