Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Working Vs Exams... - 2:18 PM
Woah today is a holiday, but I am stuck in home alone. My family went their separate ways, each with their own programs. But nevertheless, resting at home can be so wonderful, especially when the sun is so hot, the body is so nua, the eyes so tired. Haha.Most of my frens are having their exams now, cant bother them or disturb them, which makes me think I am so far away from school life when it was only like 5 mths ago... Gone are the days where you rush for projects, get excited bout presentations or dread that 60 pg report. But everythign in life has its good, has its bad. For alot, school can be so stressful, when exams are round the corner. For me, it never really got to stress me. Maybe coz I dun care bout exams bah. I remembered one interivew i had when I told the interviewer I was never really stressed in my life. She tot I was osmekind of alien. haha maybe there are moments where I am nervous or moody when datelines are tight, but never stressed out. Cant afford to I guess, coz life moves on even when you are stress, why bother to be man? Life is short, so make the best out of it. Always treasue the times you are anjoying, for you wont know when things are going to change.
To a special person out there, no matter what the outcome, I wont forget bout you. Thank you.