Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Yr's resolution - 11:34 PM
Its a brand new year! Had a so so countdown nearby my house with those media corp stars like Ou Xuan. HAha and the next day went to shop for my friend's ROM gift. Was pretty much fun and catchign up with old friends was simply great. We chose to drink chinese tea in a chinese restaurant this time and we certainly looked much older than before. We used to chat in cool coffee houses, but then nothing bad with getting in touch with the traditional roots of your culture. In fact, the tea seems to make you chat better.Have a god sis 's baby 1st yr old birthdae and friend's marriage coming up together this Saturdae will make my Saturday super busy. With my girlfriend's birhtdae around the corner, I am really lost as to what to get for her.
Another thing is my resolution to go visit gyms so much more often (ok maybe I shd write I will start visint gyms). Haha for those who know me, its gonna get really hard. I mean so HARD. But nevertheless, I will TRY. Serious. I will try. Will post the moment I step into one since that long long long long time ago. You get the picture.
Life never fails to get at you when you are least expecting. So just relax and not think so much. Life simply happens when you are busy making other plans.