Saturday, July 22, 2006
Adrian the mailman? - 10:55 AM
Alot happened the past few days, well on second thoughts maybe not alot. Haha first of all, I went to watch a Pirates of Carribean with Xiao Hui. It was free tickets given by my company and though many of my colleagues gave bad review, I found it to be really nice. It was so funny. Dont' know why people said so. I just read Angeline's blog, she found it nice too. Hhaha you are not the only one easily amused the show, I was too. Our mailstaff have been changing and on leave such that we have to keep filling up for her. I in turn have to stay back and do my work after office hours. Not that I mind, but is it so hard to find someone who stick to her job and like the job? I thoguht the saying goes, theres a job for everyone. And she replaced someone we used to like alot. After all we used to be all so happy. HAha things changed? Well I have became Adrian the mailman, enveloping 2000 plus letters everyday. Proud to say, I am a graduate from SMU now, Securities Mailng Unit. AHha.
Next, I board a train yesterday, only to be seriously disturbed by a super smelly man. I mean you could see the digust of the girl next to him once he walked in, and when the MRT shuts the door. Only come next stop when the door opened again did we have a chance of fresh air. God, please ban all smelly people into the train. Haha maybe thats too much, considering I may need to take a train next time I go for reservist or what. Come to think of it, no matter how many thousand times you wash the NS no. 4 uniform, the smell is still there. I guess theres no need to ban smelly people taking public transport afterall.
Heard a story about a tortise and a man. The man was showing off to his guest how great his tortise's endurance was and he place it under his table's legs to support the table. The guest was like "woahhh amazing!" The tortise didn't say anything but stayed there. Then the man said, that's nothing. He then took out a hammer and placed a cement brick on the tortise, wanting to smash on it. Unknowingly, the tortise suddenly ran super fast and bit the owner toes. This story tells us no matter how many times we bully someone or take someone for granted, when the other party doesnt make any noise means he or she is easy to bully. Never go overboard or that person might just fight back. Black or white, right or wrong, who is it to tell? If someone always bully me, and one day I couldnt take it and kill the person, am I the victim or murderer? Me typiong the word victim first shows I am more inclined to think I am the victim, and most of the time these inclination to protect oneself and pity oneself might push someone to do what one wouldnt even dare to dream of. On a lighter note, when your friend has always been nice to you, dont take it for granted. One day when he or she suddenly scream at you or don't talk to you, only you will feel the pain of losing someone.
Xiao Hui says people who reads self help books are alway lacking of that something. If you read bout happiness, you are lacing happiness. Same with those bout success. I guess she's right. I think the key to suceed for anyone is just one thing. That you want it. That you want something very much. The determination, passion and will to want something badly will make sure you are better than anyone in the world who are also fighting for it. I will make sure I remember this always. Always to know what I want and making sure I fight for it.