Sunday, July 02, 2006
Wold cup coming to an end... - 8:55 AM
The world cup is coming to an end, with only 4 teams left in the tournament. England and Brazil took their planes out of Gremany last night, breaking many people's hearts, I am sure. Argentina went home too, the best team in the tournament I feel. Ukraine put a brave fight, but Italy was too strong. From the way I see things going, Germany should take the cup, with its rather good players and superior home advantage. But every world cup has its twist, whats its going to be this time round.Life has slowed down to the seconds. When I wake up this morning, I do not know what to do. Its 9am in the morning. Oh gosh. Well maybe I did not want Monday to come. Feeling the mondae blues on a sundae. Super PMS. My parents went on board this casino ship, free of charge. Meals included. Wonder if its that nice. Free things dun come nice, nice things dun come free. Theres no free lunch in this world, unless theres a catch. Skeptical? Pretty much.
With the Hong Kong trip behind me, I can only look forward towards August where I get to have my 2 weeks break. I havent thought of what I want to do or can do. Go on a short resort trip? Finish painting and fixing my car model which I have put on hold for so long? Hibernate? Buy a PS2 or Xbox and play my life away? I guess I have to stop dreaming. Afterall theres no leave for me in July. Its going to be a long long month. Better fix some dates and outing I can look forward to.
I just suddenly went to read my old diary. Was a really happy go lucky guy, many memories came back to me. Din wana lose anything I did not treasure. Wana be really happy. Wana be me.
You don't stop laughing just because you grow older. You grow older just because you stop laughing.
Something I used to say. Life's good.