Thursday, August 17, 2006
Day 6 of my holidays... - 11:49 AM
Its seems kinda stupid to coundown myself and remind how many days I have left before work restarts. Its kinda demoralising, but it does remind me that I must grab whatever opportunity to do what I havent been able to do while working. Not that work is that sian, (what am I saying, working life is sian), I mean its not that bad but come on, who likes work.So what I have been doing the past few daes? Gaming... Spending time with my girlfriend.... Sleeping... Oh went to watch Li Sheng Jie Campus conert at NTU yesterday. Seems that I keep seeing superstars recently. Stars galore. Haha this time is comfort in the nice LT with cushie seats. His voice is damn super, and I am won over by him. I am easily influnced by others, it seems. I still cant change, the point that I am easily persuaded or influnced. Cant make up my mind, or simply, Xing tai ruan. haha. Good or bad, who knows, and who is to say. Link my blod to his song, enjoy.
Making my trip back to school is rather refreshing. I do realise I look kinda old to them. Man, people do grow old. I dun even look like myself in the photo I took last year on my ccess card.
Well squezing up the 179 bus, standing by the door. Missing 3 buses who simply refuse to stop coz theres no space. Everyone rushing to get down at Cant A bustop. Walking down from Cant A to cant B, a walk down memory lane. Looking at NBS, the place where I spend my daes in NTU most at. Tasting the not bad and cheap food in school canteen. Miss those daes more. Miss those daes where I can choose to wake up or not for lessons. Those rush to plan the best timetable. Those times with project groups practising till late at night for tomorrow presentation. Those times where you where shirt and tie and super dun blend with the T-shirt and bermudas of NBS when you have to present. Those daes near exams where you cant find a spot to study in school. Where you can joke or shout around when you are too bored studying. Where we buried our memories and dreams in our secret hiding spot in school. Yes, those daes. Those wonderful daes in school...