Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy Birthdae Singapore! - 7:50 PM
Haha think I had a similar post with a same title last year round. Yup its National Day again and yet I have to work. haha well not that bad lah, but spend the whole day doing REITS. Maybe alot of people won't know what is this, but I guess I will never forget these 5 letter word. Killer...Anyway wanted to see some fireworks with Xiao Hui yesterday, but then our hungry stomach gave in and we had to source for food and I was late reaching City Hall. Every eating hang out was crowded and even Mac had que up to its doorsteps. Even though we din catch the fireworks, it was a good dinner at Kenny Rogers and I guess happiness at heart is all that matters. Oh I also saw Zhi Hai and the rest at Marina. It seems the whole Singapore is there as the crowd was like... well crowdy. Haha. Train pack like hell, as usual. Alas it was a good day.
Last weekend I was a bit crazy and did so much I never dared to do or got the chance to do. I went to dye my hair and bought a PS2. These few daes been playing so much games. Maybe a bit late to buy it, but all those games I been thinking of playing is just in front of me. Looks like my 2 weeks break wun be boring anymore!
Well thats all for now. Happy Birthdae Singapore!