Friday, September 22, 2006
I am on leave today, yet I am awake at the moment(actually so much earlier) and eating sucky cornflakes(not because I don't like them, mines all soggy and... yucks). I could have slept later and enjoy my day, why didnt it rain this morning. Not that it would matter cause my parents are quarreling again, gosh in the early morning. Bothm me and my brothers are so used to it, but shit it, he can still manage to go on sleeping. Why am I a light sleeper? Really makes me wonder why they still stay together, for the negligible amount of love they still have for each other? For us? Well we are grown up now, having single parent aint that difficult. I dont care, at least my mum would lead such a better life. I guess he would die if without us, literally. Ok guess its obvious who I dun like in the family. Shan't say anymore, afterall he is still my father afterall.
Burning question, is there true love at all? Most of us denies it, scorning at those seeking to find true love. Well is it that there is no true love or we just can't find it? Is it a lucky bunch of us is to find it and the rest of us just find a partner to live with and thats it for life.
It funny as I write this, afterall I am going out with my girlfriend later in the noon. Well at least whats between us is love, maybe not"true" love thats all. HAhah. Who knows what true love is anyway? Hands up anyone? Maybe we all owned it, just that we don't know.
Ohh ya, been getting coments from friends and colleagues, and yes I am getting f**. Ok maybe not f**, just a bit round hoh? HAHah yes I notice that myself as I look at myself in the mirror everydae and look at the picture of myself 5 years back on the wall. Totally different. Used to have a big, sharp face. All I have left is a big round face. Well I have been trying to make myself go back to normal(not that I am not normal now). Even the world is anti skinny people now. Theres a fashion walk in Paris, it says they are not using models with BMI below 18. THey dun wan people to think that skinny is the way to go. Ehhh, but I am not skinny, I am round. Don't know why I cite this incident. Anyway I will go for workout more frequentnow.
One last thing, pls be reminded for the last 5 years, there has been an increase in parkinglot summons lady(dunoe what to call them actually) from 25 to 800 plus. Next time you see some auntie with an urmbrella standing next to your car, DO NOT think that they are admiring your beautiful car. Yes its beautiful, but they dont do so in hot sun. Pls rush over to see if say sorry sorry sorry, leaving soon and see if you can save yourself 50 bucks. Otherwise you will hear, sorry cannot cancel, key in oredi.