Thursday, May 31, 2007
Back to school Part 1..... - 11:30 PM
Haha Studying can really drive people crazy. Went back to school today. After studying for sometime, I went for a walk around school. Miss those times we all had in school. Studying together, eat together, play together. Whether its NBS frens or RSPHI frens, it was all good!Haha buddy, check out my rojak!
夜下着雨, 不知道何时才放晴
我失去了理性. 我迷失了自己.
未来总很神秘. 有暴风雨,也有好天气.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I am no. 20! - 10:59 PM
Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading. The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate.Sometimes I really wonder how these numerolgy or astrology stuff work. How can the world be classified under 12 signs or 10 numbers or 30 days of the month. Realistically speaking, all of us should know that cannot be true. BUT for my readin under my birthdate, its seems really really true. I wun expect everyone else to be true but guess in my case mine was lucky to be spot on. Afterall it aint easy to see yourself sometimes and reading some paragraghs and nodding in agreement can be nice at times. Got the link below if any wish to try:
Monday, May 28, 2007
Weird me.... - 2:45 PM
Was tagged by Angie to list out weird things that about me... Can't really think of them off hand. Not that I am not weird, I really think I am. Just that they are norm to me that they have become a part of me. Now that I am on leave.... Lets see.1. First thing that came to mind was I am very superstitious at work. I open all the programs in my computer in the same sequence everyday, kinda like what Angie does. In the middle of the day one of my programs suddenly shuts down, I would have to close all the programs after it to start all over again. Those tabs at the bottom of my screen CANNOT change. I get the feeling that if they change, my day would just go wrong. And they did in the past. So you can imagine how piss I will be if program 3 dies off. That would mean I have to shut and restart program 4-7.... Weird weird weird thinking of mine.
2. My mind and heart moves in different directions. So much so I get confused 90% of the time. The things I like, I do not do well in it. The things I hate, I do well in it. I alway like art/lit work, yet I do not fear well in them. I hate math/science, yet I do so well in them. Sigh.. Why is my life this way... Haha.
3. I think too much for others, when they dun even care bout me. I think the whole world should be nice, when obviously they are not. Not that I am naive, I just like to see the world that way. which comes to this weird habit of mine. I do not wear specs even when I can't see the outside world clearly. That way I cannot see the world well nor the ugly side of it, and I see it the way I want to see it. The world is always beautiful.
4. I like to take shortcuts, walk new paths. I like to think of something new. I like to be special. But often than not, guess I am still normal. Though my thinking can be weird and special at times.
5. I do not like winners. 2nd is fine, 3rd is ok. Thats why I do not support wining teams, I do not try my best in everything I do. I do not know what I am afraid of. I just hate to be the best.
6. I hate SpongeBob and Barney. Dun ask me why. I have NO idea, and I do not plan to have one.
Gosh, wonder what weird habits my buddy has. Buddy?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Singapore's FAKE tornado... - 10:45 AM

Singapore's own mini tornado... Haha Its just a water sprout according to sentist and it has no danger to anyone.
But this leads me to wonder if the climate in the world is really getter worser everydae. Places are snowing where it should not, places where there should be snow are not snowing. Water levels are rising, islands are sinking. I really wonder, if those movies like "The day after tomorrow" would hit us soon. 2 solutions come to mind. !st we got to be more environmental friendly, save the world. 2nd, watch more such disaster movies and hope to learn a thing or two to save yourself when it really happens. Good luck to all, bless Earth.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Letting it go.... BSSPers Vs SPABers - 10:36 PM
I think I had this story posted up sometime ago. Anyway promise my Shi Fu, here are the stories:2 monks were going up the mountain and when they reach a river, the bridge was down and they saw a girl standing by the side crying. The older monk asked and found out that she needs to go home but she cannot cross the river as the bridge collapsed. The older monk offered to carried her across and he piggy backed her across the river. After the river, he let her down and the 2 monks continued on with their journey. After 2 hours, the younger monk could not stand it anymore and asked. Shi fu, how come you offered to carry her. Did our teachings not taught us that we should not come in touch with females? The older monk replied, I did that to help her, which is also our teachings. Besides, I have already let her go 2 hours ago, why can't you?
Another story goes that a man fell down the cliff and he was lucky enough to catch a branch hanging. He hung on to his dear life for 6 hours before finally letting go and he dropped to the ground below of 2 meters.
In life, all that matters is if you wana let go. Sometimes you are just taking on additional troubles, sometimes its just better to let go. Lighten your burden, and you will feel more free.
So the competition continues... BSSPers Vs SPABers haha.
I shall become BSSPABers someday...
p/s: By the way the new drinks "anything" and "whatever", I had the same idea and concept too.... Told my friends bout few months back... Could have be me making money..... Sigh....
Monday, May 21, 2007
Taxi uncles... - 10:24 PM
The thing bout the rides home is that the Taxi uncle I meet will always have things to talk about. Be it why I work so far, to what we can learn from life. I think they are all very knowledgeable, with alot of life experience to share about.Today my taxi uncle told me to "kan kai" in life in order to be happy. No matter what, just be happy. Whats yours is yours, do not need to brood bout it.
Thats true.... No doubt its just a simple statement, its not easy to do...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Went a long long way before I reach the tree top. On a one way track, there was no turning back. Along we went, up the long flight of stairs. Breathing getting deeper, shirt getting all sweaty, legs getting all tried. But we hanged on, and we went on off the beaten trail. At 8km, out in the lonely long road, under the hot sun, we were getting tired. We did not know how far the destination was, but we knew we had to walk on. Walk and walk, till we saw civilization, the familiar concrete buildings. Over the train tracks, out we saw the horizon of the main road. Never had exhaust fumes smell so nice. Up the last flight of stairs of the overhead bridge to Beauty World, we ate like never before. Hahah the sugar cane smell sweet, the Cha Kuay Tiao delicious, and so was the Ice Kachang. Haha.
A bit kua zhang, but thats pretty much how I spend my Birthday. We went Macritchie and trek to the HSBC tree top. Tree top was the idea, but it only lasted 10 mins of our 3 hour plus walk. Haha thanks to the few of my friends who were with me, especially a round of applause to the girls, Gis, Jings and YC! Great work!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thanks for the wallet! - 12:36 AM
Meeting over, conclusion is I can do more. But lucky my department no need to bear the cost. Or we will have no budget for 10 years! Well went to this nice place for dinner and drinks with my colleagues after a long day of work. It was a treat by Ray today. The place is really very nice, beautiful, but warm. It was like safari to me. Haha. They gave me a Mont Blanc wallet for my Birthday. So sweet of them. Must be cannot stand me having a big fat wallet with useless cards and receipts. AHaha. They are so surprise I have so many useless cards in my old wallet. Well you never know when you needed some things right? Haha. Thanks all for the wallet. Its very nice, I like it alot! My next challenge is to fit the wallet with things I REALLY need. Thats a big challenge as everything seems so important to me!
So in the end we still went second round to eat Durian Prata! This time round my treat of course. AHahha. Now I have a bit of sore throat. Better drink more water eh.
We really miss Chee Kien. Poor thing that he is sick. Took so many pictures so he can share with us. Bottom line is, my phone is lousy la, cant even take nice night shots.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
USD100,000.. and its not my fault.... - 10:05 PM
It seems everyone else around me is also having a bad week. What else can I say, dun dwell on it. The more you dwell on it, the harder its going to hit you. You start asking why it only happen to you, why it happens to you and yes, why you? Thats sort of what I was going through for a while before I suddenly struck myself out of this misery when I realize I am not the only one. Not that I am happy others are suffering with me as well, just that it reminds me no point sulking over spilled milk. Though this bottle of milk has nothing to do with me. And since everyone live on, why not me?Tomorrow going to have a meeting over an incident that involves me. Company lost another USD100,000 plus. Hahaha why me? Its not even my fault to start with. Seems like luck is down for the week. But look at the bright side. Week is coming to an end. To live life with no regrets, look forward and do all you can!
Saw the news on the tree crushing onto the poor woman. Life is so unpredictable. Must live life to the fullest guys.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Why do I complain bout work... seems stupid - 11:15 PM
I really hate to be writing this post but I just need to let out on this. I hate to complain bout my work but why do I have to do 2 person's work? Why am I a Jack of all TRADES but master of none? Gosh I gotta forget bout work.Learned bout GERD. Aint sound nice. Things pale in comparison somehow. Make complaining bout work really seem small. Hope things goes well for you... Take care dear fren!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
New MSN, new friend... - 10:17 PM
She has always been sitting there... I have seen her a couple of times.... She looks familiar, but I can't really remember where I have met her before.... Finally I took the courage to talk to her.....Hahah sounds funny... No lah, I "re-make" a friend who has been sititng in my MSN contact list for so long. Glad we got to "know" each other again after so many years. Really an interesting and friendly gal. Haha got to write better since she might be reading my blog. OK.... Oh she writes an interesting blog as well. Help to advert abit. Haha. Lately been advertising other friend's blog a lot.
Ohh I have a new MSN contact now. So pls add to your list! Finally decide to separate myself from my brother and use separate MSN. Since he don't want to move, I gotta move and get myself a new one. Poor me... Haha. KaiLi, must add me this round ok?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Bullish month.... - 10:24 PM
With a relative new job scope, the past 2 weeks had been a breeze. Not easy kind of breeze but rather time passes by so fast kinda breeze. I was sick, had 39.2 degrees fever, which makes me ponder if my brain is stirred fried by now. Haha and time passes by so fast, with me distributing money to millionaires everyday. When will I get those kind of money. Well, NEVER. So cruel to say that flat in my own face, but yes, never. CAn never imagine myself owning a million bucks, sititng in an air-con room, eating my ice cream and looking at the bright sun by the pier. My kind of life, but dreams are good.In life ignorance is bliss. Not to be ignorant, but ignore people who do not treat you good. If no matter what you do can't change them, then just make sure yourself is going the right way and be happy yourself. Ignore them. And sometimes the lesser you know, the happier you will be. Leading a simple life can be happy, but it ain't simple to lead a happy life. In order to have a lot of things, you got to give up much more to attain that. Think of what you gave in return, you might think twice next time before wishihng for so many things. So some may have a wonderful career or lots of money, but little did they know they lost their health, or the love of their life. Of course things are not alway so extreme, but in this world I believe in fair trade. Theres no free lunch. Everything you gain, will be in return for something you lose. At the very least, you will lose your time.
Indeed, this is a very bullish month. A bunch of us, four tauraus, like to meet up and chat. And we alway have a wonderful time. Because our birthdays are so close, we dun even bother celebrating it as we would end up treating each other only. Haha.
let me apologize to Jings for not wishing her sms of Happy Birthdae. Was sick that few days, by the time I recover and remember, was too late. No excuse, so I am sorry! Hope you had a great dae that dae!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Candy's BLOG - 8:54 AM
Been a long time since I last wrote, as I hate complaining bout the same things over and over again on the blog. Just learned from my buddy that Candy writes a blog too. Its really an interesting blog with many pictures and I am too lazy to do that here. Haha shes the most wacky teacher I know and maybe if you are bored you can check out her blog. I have linked it, so maybe I should charge her for publicity fees.HAhaha.