Saturday, July 07, 2007
Transformers... More than meets the eye! - 8:28 PM
Went to watch Transformers today. It totally rocked my world. I was almost the last from my group of friends to watch it and seeing all my friends so hyped up about it, I was kinda worried that my overly high expectations might ruin the show. I mean it is my all time favourite cartoon show and when I knew there was going to be a movie so real life about it, I was kinda skeptical about it. To me, how good can it get (cartoon is cartoon) and if it turns out to be another Spiderman 3(FYI to me Spidey 3 kinda sucks), I would be so sad. And after hearing so many raving comments about it rocketed my expectations and I could not wait to watch it. And so I did todae. Well thankfully it not only turn out to be not sucky, it was great! I was almost at the edge of my seat the whole time (Okay, the truth is I was laying comfortably on the cinema seat and it was probably my mind that was on the edge), my eyes was feasted with techy CGs and cool scenes. All the fancy scenes and robots was fake, but I was loving every minute if it. It was even funny and plus point is Megan Fox was hot. Ok so was the yellow Camero! Haha. Point is when the Autobots came out crushing those guys in the end, I felt like standing out and shout "Go Autobots!" Only reality on the other side of my brain (well stuck in throughout the show) made me realise, hey I am not in my living room and yes, I am perhaps too old for this kinda things.But it revived my childhood memories (though the story kinda different) and yes to most, its a no-brainer all action kinda show to watch. I think its important to be a child sometimes, except most of my friends would say I am still living a child's life sometimes. I tend to still do insane things, childish things just to keep young at heart. Its important you know, and that will make you so much happier. So much is lacking in this world that few people would treat others with their heart. Its important to yong xin to dui tai people, not only will that make others happy that they are important to you, it makes you live.
Live like you never live before, theres always a child in you.