Sunday, September 23, 2007
I been infected with a sickness called "I am to lazy to blog" flu. I seek to remember why I started to blog: I write cause I like some of my nice friends out there to know whats going on in my life. Sometimes the blog becomes a platform to satisfy my spiritual needs and allow me to say things that is circling in my head when I can't shout it out as and when I want. I watched a programme on blogging and it says blogging has many reasons, motivation and uses. Some used it to make money, some treat it as a platform to let people around him or her to know what is destroying their lives, or what is making their life become a bed of roses(I can't see how comfortable that can be with the torn sticking around). What it certainly has not become is that it is not an online diary. A diary is probably something you do no not want people to read. A blog is probably something you want people to read.
However as I scan through my recent entries, most of it ain't even worth reading (which I apologise to those who read my blabbering). I am too lazy to think or write. All I do is complain. I wanted to change, but the inertia is too great for me to change with just a snap of the fingers.
But as I look back to the past 2 weeks, I haven't been feeling too down or depressed from work. I consoled a friend, in fact many friends, all due to different reasons. Sometimes I wonder why I am so good at listening to others and solving their problems, I sucked at my own. I guess it has to do with the fact that fortune tellers cannot tell their own fortune, a person can't solve its own problems. Been retreating into the deep mountains lately and indulge into some teachings of the Buddha.
We have no time to keep worrying bout this or that. Worrying cannot solve problems, neither can regret. One can only look forward in life, and take a minute to look at the past to not commit the same mistake twice. Learn to let go as life is too short to keep harping about what has happened. You cannot fault others for what wrongs they did, but you have control over yourself not to commit the same. Simplicity is happiness without complexity, and when you have less attachments and craving in this world, you will lead a simple and very happy life without all those complexities and problems.
Woah I am impressed with myself. I wrote all those thoughts myself after reading different books of teachings(ok ok, only 2 books, I am no saint). Haha. Saying is easy, following is another. I do not have problems now, but I have landed myself into some complex questions that I have no answers to. Had I not raise certain questions or did certain things, I would not have been so vexed. Lets hope the answers find its way to my heart. Maybe chanting will help... Just maybe...