Saturday, December 29, 2007
那些日子... - 11:30 PM
Ho ho ho its been sooo long since my last post. My blog is dying.. Haha nothing much happen for the past month, except very busy work of coz, thus the lack of blog material. Daes goes by where I wake up, go to work, come back home, eat dinner and sleep. Guess thats = no life.But luckily I had a Hong Kong trip at Christmas to perk my life up. Went back to Hong Kong shortly after 1 year, with a great bunch of friends. Guess sometimes its really not the place you visit, or the movie you watch, but really who you do these things with. With nice friends, little things goes a long mile. When we saw a short stretch of beach in one of the island in Hong Kong, its as if we saw the most beautiful in the world. We saw the colourful wet market of Hong Kong, a very nice and COLD night view from the peak, old beautiful churches in Macau, won little money in the Casinos, dance in Disney, marvelling at the fireworks and bored and squeezed to death in Ocean Park. I was suppose to write a hate post of Ocean Park, but my hatred has since died down. Afterall I was told, if we did not had downs in the trip, how would we really appreciate what we had? Thats the same with life I guess.
Will post some pictures when I am free. When am I ever be free? Haha.
WOhh Jings is back from Sydney for a while. Its been so long since we last saw her. Its really nice to see her again. Chatting with her I found out working abroad aint as nice as one would thought it to be. And behind 'postcard-like' nice pictures, there may be tears behind it. She has grown alot, and hopefully I have too. 2007 is coming to an end in a few daes, a brand new chapter of my life is going to start. Life goes on.
陶晶莹 - 那些日子 is a very nice song!