Tuesday, August 29, 2006
And the award goes to.... - 9:24 PM
Was watching the Emmy's last night, it was great. I mean though I don't watch all the shows from US and I only know half the stars from there, I would alway want to catch the Emmy's. I mean the stars speaks with great humour and class (much better than our local stars at star awards), the gigs they pull is always great, the bloopers they make is cool and funny.Something they said last night:
A director won and while giving his speech, he said, "when I was little, when I see the the award for best director..." I thought he was going to say how inspired it was for him as a child to see this award and him getting it was a dream come through. He continued"I walk up to the TV and said, oh when will you stop talking. I want to see the nomination for best Actor. So I am not going to thank the people now and finish my speech faster." I had never liked this award, what he said surprised me.
Another scripwriter came up and gave the following thank you speech for best scrip in comedy, "I don't have time to thank everyone I wana thank, so I thought I spell out those I don't wana thank. 1st is my 1st grade maths teacher who said I wasn't funny, I don't wana thank you. Second is my PA boss, who made me clean his shoes. Sorry I don't wana thank you too. And lastly God. I am sure you have every little part to play in me getting this award, but for making my hair go away, I am not going to thank you. That is way not cool."
Impressed I was. They even had a quite famous guy lock up in a glass box. The host said," We gave our dear friend here exactly 3 hours of air in the box. Should your thank you speech drag longer and this show runs over 3 hours, our poor friend here will die. Now thats a innovative way to make sure the show do not over run. AHaha.
You Are Ernie |
![]() Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times. You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun. How you life your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you! |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Watching TV... - 10:57 AM
Well been watching a lot of TV lately and noticed one interesting thing.I was flicking the channel when an Indian show caught my attention again, with their usual singing and dancing. A thougth that always spring to my mind was why is the guy so ugly? It seems to me its alway this guy, a rather fat guy, seems old, with a weird looking moustach. Is this kind of guy every Indian girl's dreamboat? To us Chinese perhaps it will be a pretty weird taste. I guess if I grow any fatter, I might want to get a dark tan and grow some moustach and join Bollywood.
Anyway I really like Starhub latest commercial. Really funny. Really interesting.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Last dae of my holidae already. Starting work next mondae. Think I won't get used to it. Afterall I was living a slacker's life for the past 2 weeks. Just buming around, meeting up friends. But then again I must be thankful that I got the time to meet up with my friends from uni yesterdae.
It was really great seeing them, never had such hearty laugh in months. We had a quite an interesting dinner at Pepper Lunch(At least to me) that you sort of "cook" your own meal. It was quite nice. Was wondering why its called Pepper Lunch and not say Pepper Dinner? Or Pepper Meal. And the specialty wasn't even pepper. Hmmm.
Anyway we went up to Lido there and seated there to wait for movie to start. Then they were persuading ShiXing to go over and pick up a gal he think it not bad. Its funny how we can come up with so many pick up lines. Alas of course in the end nothing happened as he did not want to go over. Then we watched My Super Ex girlfriend. It totally blew off me. It was like what my firend said, "Worst movie in 2006". It was funny, or rather very corny. Its super lame, where the guy picked up this G gal (even the name is corny) that have super power. I mean what does it stands for? Good gal? Gorgeous gal? G spot? Haha anyway when they broke up, she threw his car into space, threw a shark at him while he was making out with another gal. A shark. A shark in a multi storey high concret building. And program to bite him, while not feeling a bit suffocated as it is out of water? That was the ultimate. But it did provide an opportunity to make me laugh when one of my friend watch until his leg cram inside the cinema. hahah we laughed till it was like, yes sorry to those siting in front. Sorry for disturbing you.
Oh due to sheer boredom and active persausion by my colleague, I visit Mr Brown's website and blog and I must say his podcast is really quite funny. Maybe you guys can visit it if you have not. One thing I remember once of the podcast goes along this line: "Singaporeans? You cant protest. You got no license to protest. You can only stand there and smile." Yes, smile, I think that will contribute to the 4,000,000 smiles we are trying to collect. AHaha.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Day 6 of my holidays... - 11:49 AM
Its seems kinda stupid to coundown myself and remind how many days I have left before work restarts. Its kinda demoralising, but it does remind me that I must grab whatever opportunity to do what I havent been able to do while working. Not that work is that sian, (what am I saying, working life is sian), I mean its not that bad but come on, who likes work.So what I have been doing the past few daes? Gaming... Spending time with my girlfriend.... Sleeping... Oh went to watch Li Sheng Jie Campus conert at NTU yesterday. Seems that I keep seeing superstars recently. Stars galore. Haha this time is comfort in the nice LT with cushie seats. His voice is damn super, and I am won over by him. I am easily influnced by others, it seems. I still cant change, the point that I am easily persuaded or influnced. Cant make up my mind, or simply, Xing tai ruan. haha. Good or bad, who knows, and who is to say. Link my blod to his song, enjoy.
Making my trip back to school is rather refreshing. I do realise I look kinda old to them. Man, people do grow old. I dun even look like myself in the photo I took last year on my ccess card.
Well squezing up the 179 bus, standing by the door. Missing 3 buses who simply refuse to stop coz theres no space. Everyone rushing to get down at Cant A bustop. Walking down from Cant A to cant B, a walk down memory lane. Looking at NBS, the place where I spend my daes in NTU most at. Tasting the not bad and cheap food in school canteen. Miss those daes more. Miss those daes where I can choose to wake up or not for lessons. Those rush to plan the best timetable. Those times with project groups practising till late at night for tomorrow presentation. Those times where you where shirt and tie and super dun blend with the T-shirt and bermudas of NBS when you have to present. Those daes near exams where you cant find a spot to study in school. Where you can joke or shout around when you are too bored studying. Where we buried our memories and dreams in our secret hiding spot in school. Yes, those daes. Those wonderful daes in school...
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Day 2 of my holidays... - 4:41 PM
Its day 2 of my holidaes and I am already counting down. I will sure miss this period of time when I get back to work and gosh, I realize this is like the longest break you ever gonna get once you start work. 2 Weeks? Slaves masters got to be joking when they give us work slaves only like 2 weeks for a long break in a year, and thats 365 days. After which, I am left with weekends and 10 days of leave. Give me a break. One day I will join the government and change the rules. Or better yet, join the labour union. Is it called that? Whatever. Who needs to know their name when they did absoltely nothing to aid my life.Last Firday, thought my last day before my big break was to be a happy day. Instead, I worked till 1030. Well to some it may not be late, but to me, thats a record! I was finally the last of my department to leave the office. And for these 2 days, me was just jaming away my PS2 and went to see this NDP concert near my house, themed "a concert under the stars". It was quite enjoyable, in the sense for the first time I din have to stand while watching as we get to sit on steps. Manage to catch Kelly and Wei Lian, I must say they sing really well.
Well good life continues from now. So good...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy Birthdae Singapore! - 7:50 PM
Haha think I had a similar post with a same title last year round. Yup its National Day again and yet I have to work. haha well not that bad lah, but spend the whole day doing REITS. Maybe alot of people won't know what is this, but I guess I will never forget these 5 letter word. Killer...Anyway wanted to see some fireworks with Xiao Hui yesterday, but then our hungry stomach gave in and we had to source for food and I was late reaching City Hall. Every eating hang out was crowded and even Mac had que up to its doorsteps. Even though we din catch the fireworks, it was a good dinner at Kenny Rogers and I guess happiness at heart is all that matters. Oh I also saw Zhi Hai and the rest at Marina. It seems the whole Singapore is there as the crowd was like... well crowdy. Haha. Train pack like hell, as usual. Alas it was a good day.
Last weekend I was a bit crazy and did so much I never dared to do or got the chance to do. I went to dye my hair and bought a PS2. These few daes been playing so much games. Maybe a bit late to buy it, but all those games I been thinking of playing is just in front of me. Looks like my 2 weeks break wun be boring anymore!
Well thats all for now. Happy Birthdae Singapore!