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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Torture is almost over. Suffer of eternal porridge should end tomorrow. Pills count has dropped from 27 a day to only 6. I am glad. Start of a new life. Only good thing that came out of this is a 3kg weight loss, which should come back with a blink of an eye judging from what I usually eat. Gosh I am missing those food already. Chicken Pie, Waffle, Ba gua....

Monday, November 24, 2008
Went to pluck out my wisdom tooth today. I did not even realise its going to be like this till I went to the dentist. Had swollen gums and headache for the past 3 days. The next thing I know was the dentist saying that there is infection on my wisdom tooth and proceeded to put antiseptic on me. I was so shocked for I did not recall agreeing to this. After asking to reconsider for 5 minutes, I realise I got no other options. Can't do it the next 2 weeks.
But alas, as I last recalled my wisdom extraction memory, it was nothing but torture. This time is no difference, probably much worse. Tears somehow flowed out of my eyes uncontrollably as I tried to bear the pain. I keep asking him to inject more anesthetic to my gum area. The tooth this time was much bigger, have to be sawed into 3 parts rather than 2. The dentist's pliers twisting and turning still vividly flash across me. The pain comes and goes in my mouth now as the anesthesia effect wears off. I can hardly talk, let alone eat. Perhaps I should keep taking pain killers.
As I sit here, I ask myself why do I have 4? Hopefully the remaining 2 can stay in there as long as they like. It is too much to ask for eternal?

Saturday, November 22, 2008
The colour of the month.. Pink. It seems most people are afraid to see that colour this month, especially at Citi, in the form of a letter. Retrenchment fears at Citi are high, but maybe not so in my department. Or are they masking it? I don't know. Well, I am not really that afraid, maybe just a little. But even if its me, I will not get particularly upset bout it. After all, if I were to be compensated with over 10 thousand dollars, maybe its not such a bad deal at all. Although I will miss everyone in my office, I can take it as a break, think of what I want to do. Maybe study, or start the business I have always dreamt of.
Life goes on, and its really wonderful at the moment. My mum is okay now after the operation, and my project is done, except the cleaning up. On the personal level, guess I can't be more happy than now. Well, life is great.
So guys, the first person to be voted out of Citi survivor is....

Sunday, November 02, 2008
I do not know what overcame me to write this entry, but I somehow got the idea, can't remember if it’s through radio, through the things I see or the papers. I guess a bit of everything.

We have seen over the years where women start to feel that its time they have been treated equally with man. They do not want to be stuck at home doing housework and they want to be seen as equal to man. They feel that their status has been suppressed, that they feel like home slaves rather than housewives. They got enraged by men who call their wives free maid. They decided even should they be doing housewife job, they should be call a nicer term, thus the word homemaker came about. Well men could not be bother with what their wives call themselves as long the job get done, the kids are looked after. But as time progresses, women wanted more. They want to be career women and work in the society as well. So as time goes by, more and more women showed that they are as good as men, some even better than men in the work field. Coupled with the factor of rising cost and increasing wants, a man alone cannot support the family and thus the wife joins him in the field of work.
Before anyone get me wrong, I have nothing against women working or seeking equality. I for one would say it would be a super boring place if my work place is all guys and no girls. It’s just that when some woman seeks equality, it seems its more than that they want. They seem to want everything to be in their favour, till its... well a bit overboard. I am NOT saying ALL women (I do not intend to seek the wrath of many women reading this blog). I am merely saying it seems SOME women are like that. Its just that this seem to be a common problem among young couples nowadaes. When they fight, common response from men is if women want to be equal, let them serve NS. Then women will reply, why don't you come and give birth to a baby. When will this debate ever end?
I on a personal level do not agree to both parents working when the kids are young. I on the receiving end knew how it felt to come back to an empty home after school everyday. Going from nanny to nanny when you are young do not feel good too. Do not bring in suggestions like hiring a maid/nanny, or letting your grand parents look after your child. It’s just different. So if we were to choose only one parent to work, then that would cause conflict since women want equality. And since old ages, mothers have to sacrifice. Its not we look down on them, it’s that with their motherly instinct, they seem to do a better job. And don't we all love our mum for their sacrifice and great love? Besides, from an Economics' point of view, to be on the efficient frontier, we should produce the maximum output with the minimum resources. So if the husband is indeed earning less than what the mother can bring in, then by all means the husband should be the one staying at home looking after the family. I being more understanding would not mind being a house husband. Haha but then again, I totally suck at tidying the house, so doing comparative trade analysis, I should not stay at home as it brings no benefit to anyone (what an excuse), oh but I digress. Point is, why can’t people just do what they are best in and not feel being treated unfairly?

To bring the point further, if you are a woman, and your husband sacrifice to stay at home, will you look down on him? You may say NO now! But touch your heart and imagine 5 years down the road when you a manager and you bring him out on your company function and people ask him about his job. He got no accomplishment and only stays at home to look after the children. How would you feel when people sneer at him? More importantly, how would he feel? I remember there was this TCS show on this, but alas I did not catch the full show and I do not know the ending. Even at times when the guy sacrifice, you might not even appreciate it. THESE women do not want equality, they wants superiority.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Woahh its been more than 1 month since I wrote anything here. Guess this blog has contacted some terminal illness and is trying very hard to keep itself alive. Thank god it has finally recovered and like the saying goes, after the rain comes the sunshine and rainbow. Got a very good feeling that life from this moment on is gonna be very beautiful, I hope. My project is finally coming to an end now, and soon I will be able to let my thoughts flow freely again. Doing the project made me realise alot of things, some good, some bad. Saw what people can be capable of, and how some people just ain't what they seem to be. Learn alot on how to finally do things and juggle million of stuff on my own, learn how to coordinate with other department (and not piss them off like someone does). Guess there are 2 ways to accomplish your goals, by hook or by crook. Wanted to learn the hook way, end up I kena cooked. Guess I can never do anything by force. Persuasion is always my best weapon. Haha.

By the way I watched Tropic Thunder, its really funny. Something all of us who are stress with work can watch. No brainer laugh till you drop movie. And those who can spot Tom Cruise with one look, kudos to you!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Rainy daes... - 9:35 PM
Its a rainy dae... But somehow I really enjoy rainy daes... Cooling, fun. Guess I am just different from most people.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Love is... - 10:24 PM
Which is more pitiful? A person who have lived alone by himself, waiting only for the right one to come along, or a person who is afraid of being lonely and constantly find someone to be in love with. There is no answer to this question for I guess it does not make any difference. Each is happy in their own decision, each in their own belief.
One may laugh at the notion that there is no right one, or worse, THE ONE. There should be plenty out there, and you only have to constantly try and find the one that suits you MOST. Its a question of comparison between which one, not a question of finding the right one, or the special one. What happens when the one intended for you all your life met with an accident and dies off before you 2 even got the chance to meet? Do you remain alone all your life? To love and lost (even if it isn't your true love) is better than than not to love at all. but is that love?
From the other point of view, being with someone that you do not think is THE ONE is just a lousy solution out of loneliness. These people rather be alone then spend their time searching in the crowd. They believe that special one will chance upon them, and the moment their eyes met, they will fall in love with each other forever. Love at first sight, hardly a notion nowdaes, which alot out there will think it belongs more to a fairy tale book.
So should one believe in fate? I remember watching shows where they say each one of us have another better half, somewhere out in this world. We are meant to be together, complement in some ways, alike in others. Unfortunately in the world I live in today, fate hardly plays a part. Love is rather an act of own volition, the choice to choose who you fall in love with. Most of us just choose someone due to her qualities or due to some external factors, rather of letting the feeling flow, and it just happens. There is no reason why you like someone, except for that fact that you love him. Not because he is cute, he is rich, he is kind not funny. For if one day should he loses these qualities, you will no longer love him?
I am one who thinks that true love do exists, and that there is indeed a special one out there. Haha before I sound like a hopeless romantic, I must say that despite my belief, I have to bow down to reality at times, and alot in the past. I am not a love saint, and I have made countless mistakes in the past. So much so I sometimes do not know what to believe in anymore. Everything about love becomes a facade, and you lose hope in it. But despite all these, I hope I can still find the courage to believe in it when it happens. And I do hope the next time I do fall in love, I will not look at her qualities, her looks or for any other reason; except for the fact that she gives me warmth when I touch her, make me alive when she smiles at me and that very simple reason - the feeling that flows through us called love...

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